My hand has been feeling much better and I've been going gangbusters on my knitting projects. It's really nice to be able to knit again.
This is a dress I made for my niece's birthday. I love the way this turned out- especially the colors. They're so festive and girly. <3 Frankly, I want a dress just like it. The pattern is the not-yet-released Cady top pattern and the yarn is organic cotton by Blue Sky Alpacas in "punch" and "marmalade".
This is a frog I knitted for a trade. He has a tennis ball in his belly so he'll bounce. I love the way this yarn looks. It's a handspun that I bought ages ago, before I started spinning, and the name of the colorway is "Fantastic Plastic", which I also love. <3
I started this bunny almost a year ago. This pattern is such a PITA, I never wanted to work on it. I finally drudged my way through it so I can mail it to my niece for her birthday. I will be thrilled never to see this rabbit again.
Other then knitting, I've also been canning jam.
Tutti Fruiti, like my grandmother used to make...
Strawberry, my favorite on crackers...
And grape, which is the easiest jelly ever. If you're new to canning jelly and you want to make it, start with grape. It's really easy. Here's the recipe I used.
I also made that bunny, but the face was never completed, and it has not clothes.
The frog is adorable!
Posted by: Gothammom | 23 June 2011 at 13:02
I will never make another one of those rabbits. EVER. The only reason I forced myself to finish it was because I couldn't just send my niece clothes for her birthday and I had no clue what toy to buy a 1yo.
Posted by: Shanna the She-Devil | 23 June 2011 at 13:09
"no clothes"
Posted by: Gothammom | 23 June 2011 at 13:09
That dress is the cutest thing EVER. I'm a beginner knitter and have serious knitting skillz envy. (and now jam envy) I'm super-impressed with your creativity.
Posted by: Amy O | 25 June 2011 at 13:39